"The peace of God transcends all understanding." -Philippians 4:7
**We do not inflate shipping costs- the prices of the prints have been adjusted to make up for shipping differences (since Etsy only allows one price).
This is a reproduction fine art print of an original mixed media piece done on wooden canvas.
This image is flush to the edge.
It is printed on Kodak Endura luster photo paper with archival inks.
It is ready to frame or you can matte and frame it how you choose.
It comes with title and signature on the back.
It is mailed in a non-bendable mailer or tube depending on the size.
**Small prints ship 1-2 business days, Larger prints ship 3-5 business days.
Thanks for viewing it!
**Visit my Facebook fan page at http://www.facebook.com/dannyphillipsart for info on new artwork, sales and giveaways!*
Nov 26, 2014
I really like his work. The colors really look better and even more vibrant in person. Overall, the print was packaged very well, and I am happy with my purchase.